Newbie question: Word to Markdown

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Newbie question: Word to Markdown

2023-04-14 19:42| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Hi Michael,

I would suggest doing this in two stages: 1) Install and use the Oxygen XML free Batch Converter add-on to convert Word to DITA XML: ... addon.html 2) Open the resulting DITA Map in the Oxygen DITA Maps Manager view and use the "Configure Transformation Scenarios" button with the predefined "DITA Map Markdown" transformation scenario to convert the DITA Map to Markdown.

or as an alternative in step (1) with the batch converter add-on convert Word to HTML and then in step (2) find some tool online which can convert HTML to markdown. Just like with any other conversion the results might not be perfect without doing some manual work.

Regards, Radu




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